Miniatures Games,  The Necrotechs Workshop,  Warmachine,  Warmachine MK 3

The Necrotechs Workshop – XLIII – The Scourge of the Broken Coast

I figured, at this point in time, I might as well make it a series, right? With posts on Black Industries and Slaughter Fleet Raiders I thought putting out another article on the final theme of the Great Thempocalypse of 2017 would be just fine. Lets take a look at the Satyxis theme, Scourge of the Broken Coast

The Scourge of the Broken Coast

Unlike the Slaughter fleet, The Scourge of the Broken Coast theme list is extremely focused and unlikely to gain a lot more models outside of the near future. Focused, exclusively, on the satyxis models in the faction, it has some extremely stringent requirements: 

  • Cryx Warcasters
  • Non-character Warjacks
  • Satyxis Models/Units
  • Black Ogrun Ironmonger Units
  • Misery Cage Solos
  • One merc solo and One merc unit. 

Theme list benefits 

For every 20 full points of Satyxis model/units, you may add one Satyxis Command attachment or solo to the army free of cost. 

Satyxis models/units in this army gain pathfinder

One Satyxis Blood Witch unit in this army gains Ambush! 


These are a pretty tame list of benefits as far as theme forces go, where some lists add Carapace, Gang Fighter, or even Righteous Vengeance. Free models are the standard for every theme list, even if they are the most divisive part and the cause of all friction between theme and non-theme players. 

Satyxis gaining Pathfinder is pretty interesting. I like that its models/units, which includes Skarre 1 and 2. Skarre 3 will also gain it, technically, but if she is a battle engine its not going to matter, and if she is a structure, it is also not going to matter. It matters both the most and the least on the Satyxis Raiders. While it does invalidate one of their prayers completely (Relentless charge is worthless) it does allow them to get into position without charging, and creates a better deployment presence. combined with force barrier, this can allow some pretty solid defense swings when positioned correctly in forests, around buildings, or behind walls. For the Gunslingers, pathfinder is a pretty solid ability. they can easily move through forests to come out on the other side and start popping people, gain the benefits of rubble, or simply not be worried about where they are deploying. Defense 16 with a forest or cloud is strong for a ranged unit. The last unit that gets pathfinder is the Satyxis Bloodwitches, and these are the models I am most looking forward to using it on. With stealth and def 13, parking in rubble or woods and daring the enemy to shoot them or come at this is a strong question to be asking, and if you happen to kill someone on a hill, its very possible you can get yourself def 15, incorporeal and stealth ed; little shooting is going to take that down. 

On both Casters and the solo, the ability is also very solid. Its not going to come up every game, but you can position yourself to take advantage of it, if necessary, every game. its a solid positioning tool that can enable some important charges, good offensive threats, and strong defensive positions. There isn’t much to say about pathfinder that hasn’t been said over the last 10 years already. Its a great ability and some games can be won or lost on the quantity and quality of their pathfinder models. giving it to nearly every model in the list is a big deal. Speaking of which…

I have always loved ambush, and Stealth, Pathfinder models that ambush with two attacks are really tempting. At this poing, I’m considering a second unit of blood witches just to have around in case I need to ambush one and deploy the other. Those around my parts know how much I loved the old Morghul 2 theme list with minions, having two bog trog ambusher units was just delicious. Now, I know that Satyxis Blood Witches are no Bog Trogs, but they are scary as shit with Blood Leaps, Clouds, and incorporeal models threatening from one of your back-side board edges its a simple ability that I have learned to appreciate even more since I was able to get in a good dozen or so games with Ambushing Mechanithralls. In Cryx, the ability is just one more thing in the pot to make them play your game instead of theirs. Its glorious. 


With a limited palate of models, as mentioned, the Scourge of the Broken coast is pretty condensed. That doesn’t meant that the choices and the list are sub-optimal, and they can bring strong lists to the table fairly often.  

Cryx Casters and Non-Character warjacks are pretty standard, as Theme lists go. I think we’ll get some solid casters in the mix leading the scourge, with casters like Asphyxious 1 (Scything Touch), Deneghra 1 (Feat, Crippling Grasp), Coven (feat) and Agathia (parasite, stealth for a turn) come to mind. The Non-character warjacks are a bit lackluster, though. I expect to use a lot of inflictors here, due to the casters vulnerability to bullets in nearly all instances. The typical lights, depending on caster, are also on the table.Deathrippers, Stalkers, Nightwretches and Scavengers I expect to see in many lists. 

Black Ogrun Ironmongers are a strange addition to the list, and i assume its because they wanted jack repair in many lists, and this was an easy one to sneak them into, as they aren’t even released yet. I dunno what they do, at this time, though we might know in a mere two weeks… or 5, depending on the CID for Black Fleet. I have to wait until then to see where they fit in the list, though I expect it is “as paperweights”

Satyxis Raiders, I expect, will hold the bulk of the themes forces. They are expensive and good, a solid elite-core troop to build a cool and interesting theme around. Backlash is interesting in a number of ways, enabling either the start or the end of an assassination run. Magic weapons, which they share with the other satyxis units, are critical in some matchups and completely worthless in others. It is especially good against ghost fleet and Blackbanes Ghost Raiders. Reach, Speed 7, pathfinder, Gang. This unit has everything you want in a front line unit and can often survive more than they let on. Don’t get to attached to their high defense, though. Even on a hill I’ve had a whole unit shot off the board by boosted RAT 6’s

Satyxis Blood Witches are a strong and compelling option for standard deployment, but are very interesting when it comes to ambushing. With gang and two weapons, along with Incorporeal, they have the capacity to stick around turn after turn, long after they’ve made a thorn in the opponents side and caused him to slip up more than once. 

Gunslingers are a strong choice of model because they have a solid RAT, a decent gun, and decent speed, with the ability to pop some 6-12 models a turn. They can pick off models some 16″ away with fair consistency and depending on what type of position they are in they can eliminate enemy models while they are in melee and can contribute with feedback against heavies.  Pathfinder helps them maintain solid positioning and grab a touch of defense while also contributing to the game. I’d look for a place to park them in rubble and call it a day. 

For solo’s, they have a pretty limited selection, with the Satyxis Captain. Fortunately, the solo is actually really good. Weaponmaster pow 9 reach weapon with knockdown is really solid, and if you can get them in range of your second attack, even better. Honestly, I’ve found the best use out of her in clearing charge lanes and opening up angles for LOS and other movements. Before the Theme List Philosophy, I was using them in a number of places and rarely regretting it. It is a solid model to get for free, honestly, and paying for them isn’t terrible. 

There are a pair of unreleased solos, too, that add dimension to the lists: Misery Cages and Axiara Wraithblade. Alexiara gives some interesting options to the Satyxis models, and misery cages can likely ease some focus woes. 

There was a time, back before the Time of Themes, where there were players who swore by double Satyxis in every list and every match up. they brought so much to the army and created problems that were not easy to solve. Those days are on the verge of returning, though the lack of bane support has me worried. I think there are a bunch of potential lists that can take advantage of the troops afforded them in Scourge. 

When it comes to warjacks, though, I don’t really know where to begin. I guess that’s a blessing, as each of the casters will take something that they want or need to be most effective, but there are also no guidelines to really work within. Generally, with the list not hitting particularly hard, but being accurate, I might want to reach for some of the higher P+S Jacks out there, and I think I’d like a few guns to backup the gunslingers, if they are in the list. I’d love to say I’d reach for the leviathan, but his miserably random ROF is a huge pain unless taken in large numbers, and then you don’t get much benefit from the list. I like the Desecrator, even without his Bane Accumulator, in most lists, but his Void aoe isn’t going to benefit the Satyxis. Harrower seems good in a pinch, but it looses on the Higher P+S you’re generally gonna want. The more I think about it, the more I think I want a Kraken in the list. It hits hard, loves Crit Knockdown from the Raiders, and has a strong suite of guns. Likely the best combination I can think of right now. 

Enough, though, about the theoretic. What lists do I like with the Scourge? 


This is something like what I’ve seen a friend espousing (Thanks, Ryan!) 

Cryx Army – 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Scourge of the Broken Coast

Iron Lich Asphyxious [+28]
– Deathripper [6]
– Nightwretch [7]
– Nightwretch [7]
– Stalker [8]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Satyxis Blood Witches (min) [8]
– Satyxis Blood Hag [0(4)]
Satyxis Blood Witches (max) [13]
– Satyxis Blood Hag [0(4)]
Satyxis Gunslingers [7]
Satyxis Gunslingers [7]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
– Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [0(3)]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
– Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]

Its got a lot of dudes, it can score scenarios (lacks some tough Jacks and solos, so a bit can be done with the list), but it works with Asphyxious 1, who just needs accurate troops. He fixes damage and can do work on his own. Overall, I think the list looks excellent. 

Of course, the new Feedbackapalooza is on my mind, with Skarre 2 leading the way. Somthing a bit like it was before, but with some extra points and a new jack loadout

Cryx Army – 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Scourge of the Broken Coast

Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast [+26]
– Corruptor [16]
– Deathripper [6]
– Ripjaw [7]
Ragman [4]
Satyxis Raider Captain [0(4)]
Satyxis Blood Witches (min) [8]
– Satyxis Blood Hag [0(4)]
Satyxis Blood Witches (min) [8]
– Satyxis Blood Hag [0(4)]
Satyxis Gunslingers [7]
Satyxis Gunslingers [7]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
– Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
– Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]


Both lists look to have solid potential, and the Skarre 2 list looks particularly enticing as I suffered with out pathfinder through a number of games and it really hurt. 


Until next time!


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