Miniatures Games,  The Necrotechs Workshop,  Tour de Cryx,  Warmachine,  Warmachine MK 3

Tour de Cryx – Scaverous


With Goreshade 1 nearing the end of his tenure, I wanted to talk about what I would like to play, and why, with Scaverous, and maybe get some opinions on what I might be doing wrong/right.

So, without  further ado, Scaverous.

Scaverous has a lot going on, and can increase the potential of a lot of models. He’s also got a solid static ability that I want to play up.  My list of needs with him are:

1-      Something to prevent him from dying to gunfire at the first opportunity. 14/17 is good, but not always what I feel is survivable.

2-      A model/unit to benefit from Death Ward

3-      A small unit to get benefit from excarnate

4-      A good target for Soul Harvester

5-      A method of extending his soul collection range

6-      Models to benefit from his feat.

7-      He’s a spellslinger. Anything to improve that will be fantastic.

Anything that double dips here is worth even more to me.

I got this list, way back when, and it seems good, but I want some tweaks.

Saxon Orrik
Machine Wraith
Soul Trapper
Wrongeye and Snapjaw
Croe’s Cutthroats
Satyxis Raider + Sea Witch

This list hits a lot of options, and seems really good, but it seems to miss out on models that can benefit from his feat. Erebus is a great soul gathering model, and with Death ward is hard to remove. The Withershadow is leagues better than the scarlock and has good interaction with TK and Feat for puppet Master. Ragman takes the Raiders up to 13’s, 15’s with Feast. Saxon helps with the ladies to have pathfinder in order to set up the charge. Machine wraith is a solid 2 point model to assist with the TK and Croe. The soul trapper extends soul collection. Wrong eye and Snapjaw make scaverous a bit more difficult to kill while also creating a solid threat for ranged armies. Croe and his boys are great, standard pieces to take advantage of the spell list with backstrike and backstab. Finally, the satyxis are hard to shoot down, fast, and make great  (the only?) Soul Harvester Targets.

I think, the way I want this list to work, I would make two changes. Necrotech and Saxon come out, giving me 6 points which becomes a Warwitch Siren, and two soul trappers. I’ve even considered dropping wrong eye and snap Jaw for a Warwitch Siren, overlords, and a Satyxis Raider Captain. I would then take the extra point and a soul trapper and turn it into a machine wraith. The final list would look something like this:

Satyxis Captain
Warwitch Siren
Warwitch Siren
Machine Wraith
Machine Wraith
Soul Trapper
Soul Trapper
Cephalyx Overlords
Croe’s Cutthroats
Satyxis Raider + Sea Witch


So, to go back through my list:

1-      Something to prevent him from dying to gunfire at the first opportunity. 14/17 is good, but not always what I feel is survivable.  

  1. Not really in this list. I’ll have to lean on not applying him into gun lines, camping, and Knowledge of the Damned

2-.   A model/unit to benefit from Death Ward

  1. Erebus or himself. I think a 14/20 withpoltergeist is good. Maybe I should keep Wrongeye for this?

3-      A small unit to get benefit from Excarnate

  1. Nope. I can’t really find a reason for a small, undead unit. Guess this one gets tossed.

4-      A good target for Soul Harvester

  1. Oh yes! The two attacks from Satyxis should be great.

5-      A method of extending his soul collection range

  1. 2 Soul Trappers and Erebus seem like a strong play, I just have to make sure that they are in the right position.

6-      Models to benefit from his feat.

  1. Sprays for Days. Overlords and Warwitch sirens, who also aid Erebus and the Deathrippers on any damage run.

7-      He’s a spellslinger. Anything to improve that will be fantastic.

  1. Deathrippers, Withershadow and Warwitch sirens all give him that little more oomph.

I know that Malice is something that people like putting in Scaverous lists, for good reason. What do you suggest? What should I replace with a different unit!