D&D,  Monday Mythology,  RPG

Mythology Monday: Valeas, Goddess of Honor

NAME: Valeas, Goddess of Honor

Other Titles: Daughter of War, Queen of Chivalry, The Duelist, Chaste Lady

Alignment:  Lawful Good

Weapon: Great Sword (Custodian)

Major Domains: Honor, Personal Combat, Purity

Minor Domains:  Lawful Punishment, Weddings, Oaths, Duels

Totem Animal: Unicorn

Holy Symbol: An open faced helm with three long, sharply upturning horns. Two of the horns come from the Brow and one from the back of the head.

Favored Appearances: Valeas is much more active on the prime world than many of her Paltonarch peers. To aid in her ventures she has developed a form that is both nondescript and constant, enabling her to slip in and out of conflicts without much fuss. She generally appears as a woman of average height and weight, with shoulder length red hair and deep blue eyes. She has the physique and the gait of someone who’s fought for her entire life, despite being so young.

Her male form is just as standard, with bright, fiery red curly hair, dark eyes and dark skin. both forms wear half plate and carry greatswords both of unknown metal and unknown craftsmanship. in both forms, she carries with her an air of respect, but not one of command. following orders as given by the commanders of the causes she chooses to champion.

Warform:  Valeas’ warform is that of a flaming unicorn of ash and coal. Her body and coat are of condensed ashes and her eyes are blazing purple embers. her hooves and horn are wispy and fiery, shifting shape, size and form constantly as the battle wears on.

Personality: A stern warrior and a stoic champion of the causes of goodness and right, Valeas has been witness to many of the deprivations of evil in all forms, from accursed and demons to the teachings of her fellow Paltonarchs. Though it causes friction within her own family and her own organization, she stands against evil in all its principals and actions, and though it pains her personally, she has come to blows with her older brother repeatedly on the fields of the Iron Marches. Though she rarely leads the fight or determines the limits of the engagement, she is the consummate champion of a cause, seeking out the hardest and most deadly challenges facing her fellow warriors, heedless to the cost to her self. Though never called meek or timid, she does not try and impose her code of honor on others and simply seeks to lead by example.

Teachings: Valeas teaches a very strict code of conduct that tolerates no wavering or second thoughts. It is also unconcerned with actions beyond the code, giving great latitude for the student and followers to determine what causes they should champion and why. Though the code is long and detailed, the main tenants, called the Four Dictates.
1. Abide no evil either within your person or within your site. Work against it in all its forms.
2. Confront all trials directly and with force, if necessary. Lingering troubles and unanswered misdeeds will only fester and come back to haunt you.

3. Be Honorable. In nothing you do should you allow yourself to commit dark deeds or shady thoughts. Commit yourself to being the the best among those around you.

4. Follow, do not lead. Your deeds are the examples to others, and what cause you choose to follow speaks volumes. Offer your fealty, and keep to it once you see a worthy cause and leader.

Abode: As with all of the gods of war, Valeas’ castle, The Hall of Light, is on the front lines of the war with the Accursed. Unlike the others, though, her fortress is not her own. The Hall of Light is under the purview of her father, Takannas, and she rules in his name, commanding troops for him as a trusted general, but never taking the lead on her own.

Clergy: The church of Valeas is a deeply structured and ordered affair, attempting to lead the way forward with good deeds and good words. Unlike many churches, the clergy of Valeas all swear oaths of fealty to the honorable lords and dukes that they serve. Many families retain the services of the Church for generations, but some take that as an oath to the family, when it is instead an oath to each leader in turn. It is hard to find large churches of Valeas, though there are many abandoned buildings which once sheltered the faithful. The Church tends to be a school of law, teaching the next generation about the laws, traditions, customs and taboos of the land they have been born into.

Knightly Orders: Of all the gods, Valeas has the most knightly orders pledged to her. In order to not violate the fourth Dictate, each and every one is ruled by a council of knights, selected by the sworn brothers and sisters of each order. Each Order has its own term length and selection process. The greatest among these are the Chosen of Valeas, though they are few in number they are gifted with the divine manifestation of their god on Kasan: a unicorn mount. Though both men and women are Chosen, the order has an overwhelmingly female majority.  The Chosen ride into battle not as champions as causes, but as champions of concepts. Unique among the orders, their are no leaders in the Chosen, because each feels the touch of Valeas directly, and receives visions and direction from her alone.

Clerical Attire/colors: Clerics of Valeas are always ready for combat, carrying weapons, arms and armor with them at almost all times. Accessories to plain metal armor are often bone or black colored, along with a a trademark deep gray cloak, almost sliver. Pauldrons, attached over the cloak are bone colored and vary in size dependent on the tastes of the wearer.  Finally, many followers choose to sport the tri-horned helm to delineate them in combat from their lesser companions and to serve as a calling sign to the champions of their opponents: herein is a warrior of great ability and skill, meet me in battle if you dare!

Followers: Most followers of Valeas are soldiers, knights and other powerful combatants. Many oppressed or downtrodden members of society will also take to her worship to portray their goodness and be an example to others. Few Nobles or other high ranking individuals in society tend to take Valeas as their patron due to the Dictate to follow, something these individuals find extraordinarily hard to do.